If you are a proud hot tub owner or, maybe you have a swimming pool, then you will be only too aware of how important it is to ensure that you have the appropriate chemicals such as algaecide and sanitiser along with the importance of keeping the bromine or chlorine level to the correct amount of parts per million.
To do this you will need to very quickly get into a good maintenance routine along with doing any water treatment for hot tubs that is required. Learning about these water balance chemicals is not as complicated as you may think, but you do need to familiarise yourself with your hot tub chemistry.
A good test kit or the simple dip test strips that are used make it simple for you to find out the alkalinity, and pH levels etc and these will also guide you through what and when you need to add to maintain a safe and healthy environment for you and you’re loved ones.
Hot Tub Chemical Reviews
Don’t panic if you are new to the world of being a spa owner, achieving a good balance and chlorine level, with the ideal chlorine level being somewhere between 3-5 ppm (parts per million), is not as hard as you may first think.
Please note that swimming pool products should not be used in spas unless otherwise stated on the package and should a free chlorine patch show on the strip this is actually only important for swimming pools.
You really should get into a good maintenance routine to avoid any water problems and by doing a control test at least 2-3 times per week along with cleaning or changing the filter cartridges when necessary.
You will find all the manufacturers recommended maintenance in your jacuzzi handbook and with a simple but good maintenance routine, you will keep your hot tub parts in tip-top condition. Once you have done this a few times it will become a walk in the park to keep your spa safe.
Here at Hot Tub Reviews UK, we have put together the top 5 hot tub chemicals that are required to set up and keep your spa at the correct levels and your water balance inline.
1. Clearwater Lay Z Spa Chemical Starter Kit for Hot Tubs and Spas
If you have just invested in a new inflatable hot tub and are in need of all the main water treatment chemicals for a hot tub start-up then this option is for you.
This is a complete starter kit of Lay Z Spa chemicals, this hot tub chemicals kit contains chlorine (hot tub sanitiser), pH minus along with pH plus (corrects alkalinity level and acidity level), foam remover (clears foam and froth), the dip test strips and a dosing guide.
Don’t get caught out without them or be tempted to jump in before you have added these essential chemicals as this can jeopordise the safety of your friends and family.
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The easy to follow guide will provide you with all the information you need, you will have your spa ready to use quickly and easily. Should you own a Lay Z Spa hot tub then this is also the chlorine for lazy spa that is recommended by the manufacturer.
The Chlorine granules are your hot tub sanitiser, bromine tablets may also be used, and are probably the most important of all for your hot tub water care as they will help prevent and destroy most bacteria, fungus or harmful organisms that might be lurking. Warm water creates the perfect conditions for these to breed and thrive.
To keep your pH level in balance you have the pH decreaser (minus) or the pH increaser (plus) this is important as, if too low this can cause a build-up of scale on the filter cartridges and pipes, or, if it is too high it can mean it can to be too acidic which can cause corrosion to the hot tub parts, but be careful as using a pH decreaser can have an effect on the total alkalinity.
These Clearwater chemicals will take any worries you have and make your job easy, containing all the recommended chemicals that are required to get you the spa experience in your own home you have been dreaming of without any stress.
2. Clearwater Multipurpose Chlorine Tablets
Here we have another of the renowned Clearwater products that are BISHTA approved and can be relied upon to keep your spa clean and healthy.
These are multifunctional chlorine tablets, the 4 in 1 tablets are not just sanitisers but will also help clear and prevent any algae thus reducing the chance of it becoming cloudy. Easy to use as they can just be popped in a chemical floater or chlorine feeder such as the Chemconnect system.
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The chlorine sanitizes and prevents bacteria along with disinfecting while the algaecide that these tablets contain will help kill and prevent the build-up of any algae, these tablets also have a clarifier containing flocculants that bind together the very small particles enabling them to be filtered out via the filtration system.
Sit back and let them do the work by gently dissolving and releasing the necessary chemicals required for your water balance. Although these slow release floater tablets last between 3 and 5 days it is still of the utmost importance to do your tests and adjust the amount of dosage for your conditions and ensure that harmful organisms cannot thrive.
3. Pro-Kleen Spa Clarifier
We have all seen the amazing pictures of spas and tubs that have crystal clear water that sparkles and bounces with the light as the bubbles immerse you in a super spa experience. If you are wondering how to get yours looking like that then this product is your answer.
Pro-Kleen spa clarifier is a fast and easy chemical to use and will give you water that will dazzle the eye of the beholder and make you want to hop straight in.
It is not only easy and fast-acting, but it is also quite safe and you will be able to hop after about half an hour, with the hot tub water clearing within a maximum of 24 hours.
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How does it work? This requires just two capfuls for a standard size spa and is simply poured directly in. It contains flocculants that will bind together any small particles that the filtration system misses but once bound together they will not pass through the filter solving any problem that you might have had with cloudy water.
4. Suds-online Hot Tub Starter Kit
Here we have another starter kit for those of you that have just invested, and like the first starter package, this kit contains all that is required to get yours up and running.
The multi-purpose chlorine tablet sanitises and prevents bacteria from breeding keeping your unit clean and safe for you and your family. This Suds-online hot tub starter kit is also supplied with the chemical floater that saves you the trouble of purchasing one.
The pH increaser and pH decreaser are also supplied for when required along with the test strips that will give the information of your pH levels etc.
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Occasionally you may find that you have a foam forming on the surface of your water, no problem as this kit also contains a de-foamer and once poured in your scum and foam problems will be gone. Yes, it works that quick.
5. Pro-Kleen Hot Tub and Spa Defoamer
After the initial set up chemicals have been used you will start to find that the best and most affordable way to go for your hot tub care is by buying the individual larger packs of products and this defoamer is one to consider.
The hot tub foam will naturally form from residues created by cosmetics and body oils which will affect the natural alkalinity level, this foam and scum is really unsightly and not what a proud hot tub owner should have.
This is another of the speciality chemicals that is an easy and quick solution to any foam problem. This powerful anti-foam product will eliminate any unsightly scum and foam that may be sitting on the surface safely and efficiently.
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Simply add a couple of capfuls and watch as the foam disappears before your eyes. Now you have the surface of the water sorted it is worth thinking about purchasing a hot tub vacuum, this will pick up any grit and debris from the bottom. There is nothing worse than hopping in to relax only to find that you are sitting on dirt and grit.
For a quick recap, Here are our top 3 products:

- Award Winning Set
- Removes Excess Foam
- Contains 5 Products
- Amazon's Choice

- 4 in 1 Tablets
- Lasts 3-5 Days
- Uses a Dispenser
- 3400+ Amazon Reviews

- Easy to Use
- Very Fast Acting
- 2 Caps/Week
- Adds Sparkle
We have covered the most important of the basic hot tub chemicals that will get you on the road to having correct water chemistry, but there are others on the market that add to the essential chemical range. These include water clarifiers, alkalinity increaser, and every now and then a chlorine shock treatment or a bromine booster may be required.
Do your research and keep on top of your water care, this way you will keep any biofilm from building up and your spa will give many happy hours of relaxation and enjoying the health benefits a spa can offer with peace of mind, this will also avoid having to empty and refill too often.
If this all sounds way too much to take in do not worry, with the instructions on the dip test strips and kits along with dosage guides you will soon have a care routine that comes naturally.
If your chemistry levels are not correct you not only risk damaging your unit, but they could also irritate your skin, or allow bacteria to breed.
Frequently Asked Questions
We hope that we have helped you through any worries that you may have had about some of the speciality chemicals that are required to keep your hot tub safe, clean and with crystal clear clarity.
Below we will answer some of the questions that we get asked a lot to try and help you even further.
What chemicals are needed for a hot tub?
The chemicals that are needed for a hot tub are sanitisers which can be either chlorine or bromine granules or tablets these will prevent and destroy any bacteria that may be lurking.
A spa pH increaser and decreaser will stop your spa from having alkalinity or acidity levels that are not correct and lastly spa calcium hardness increaser as if you have soft water it can cause corrosion.
There are other chemicals that are available that can add sparkle to your spa by binding all the tiny particles together thus ensuring that they are collected by the hot tub filter cartridges and defoamers that will defoam quickly and easily.
Can you go in a hot tub without chemicals?
You have just installed your new tub and maybe wondering whether you can go in without chemicals. No, you can not go in a hot tub without chemicals or some form of natural bacteria-killing method.
Maintaining a spa to a safe standard without chemicals is possible, but it does require quite a considerable effort on your part. For example, the tub will need to be emptied and cleaned far more regularly you will also need to ensure that tests are done very frequently.
Hot tubs can be dangerous if not maintained to a high standard mainly because it is the ideal breeding condition for bacteria to breed.
What chemicals do I put in my hot tub for the first time?
The chemicals to put in your hot tub for the first time should be added after the water is hot and preferably after the unit has been running for 24 hours. The initial chemical to put in the hot tub for the first time use is the sanitizer, either chlorine or bromine.
It is important that the chlorine level of the water is between 3-5 parts per million for ideal hot tub water treatment. After you have left this for the period of time stated you can then use a dip test strip to test the pH levels and add any of the other chemicals for hot tubs to correct pH or alkalinity levels.