Preferably before you invest in your own hot tub, you should have an idea on the day to day costs that you may incur as there are quite a few variables to take into consideration, so here at Hot Tub Reviews UK we thought we would give you a helping hand into finding out some of these variables and how they can affect your budget and energy bill.
Inflatable Hot Tub Running Costs in UK
Hot Tub Operating Costs
As all new hot tub owners will tell you, you do need to work out the energy consumption either per week or per month, it would be a sad moment if you made your investment only to realise that you are unable to afford your hot tubs running costs.
Below we give advice on the different factors that you will need to think about and what you can do, if anything, to reduce the cost, including the electricity costs of running your inflatable hot tub as this is the greatest cost
Hot Tub Heating Costs
Heating a hot tub is the largest cost to consider but there are ways that you can bring your inflatable hot tub electricity usage down. Always ensure that you have a cover on your hot tub when not in use, preferably insulated and place an insulation mat under the unit doing this will help to prevent heat loss especially in an environment with lower air temperatures.
Should I leave my hot tub on all the time I hear you ask, you may be surprised, but if you use it regularly then yes leave it on, it will actually work out cheaper than reheating when next used. Although you won’t need to leave the massage system on you will need to run the pump for the filtration system as still water can become dangerous water.
There is not a lot of maintenance with a portable hot tub but you will need to purchase the chemicals required to keep your spa water safe and free from bacteria and we would also recommend that you invest a small amount in a hot tub vacuum as you will be surprised how grit and fine debris can build up on the base of your hot tub.
Filter cartridges will need to be purchased as they must be cleaned or changed regularly and depending on how often you use it the water will need to changed reasonably regularly and all of this although not huge amounts will add to the running cost of your hot tub.
Frequently Asked Questions
We hope this has helped and below to aid you further we have answered some of the questions that we are asked a lot.
Are hot tubs expensive to run UK?
It really depends on what expensive is and how much you plan to use the hot tub, on average, we would approximate no more than 40 pounds per month, so what do you think, are hot tubs expensive to run?
Do inflatable hot tubs use a lot of electricity?
Whether inflatable hot tubs use a lot of electricity depends on various points such as how often you use your hot tub, what water temperature you prefer and the surrounding temperature etc.
The heating unit, pump, and massage system are all run by electric but there are ways to save money making sure that you always use an insulated cover is just one.
How much does a hot tub cost to run a month UK?
It is very hard to be precise about how much a hot tub costs to run a month as every household will be different. How often do you use it, what is the surrounding air temperature, how big is your hot tub and the price of your electric etc?
So many different things need to be considered, but, if you were to budget for around 7 to 10 pound per week (30-40 per month) it will give you an idea.